Brick Elementary PTO Agenda

4/12/23 5:30pm, virtual
Call to Order and Welcome - Katherine 5:37
Officers’ Reports
President - Katherine
VP - Becky
Treasurer - Jamie $8646.37
Current account balance
Principal’s Report - Mrs. Robinette
School board trustee is stepping down so a position will be available very soon if anyone is interested
Update on Unfinished Business - Katherine
Proposed positions and committees
Auction Recap - Becky We raised $2400!! Almost everything has been picked up by the winners so far
Vote on officer positions for 23/24 school year
President- Rebecca Steffens
Vice President- Katherine Dagher
Secretary- Katie Parke
Treasurer- Christine Barrera-Dulger
We still have positions available as chairs for fundraising, events, social media, and membership if anyone is interested please let us know!
April Activities
April 28 Spring Fling dance- We will be reaching out to the person planning the dance to figure out what help is still needed
Weeding books and reorganizing library - Katie
I do this every Tuesday morning if anyone wants to come help just email and let me know.
Brick Buck Cart and Staff Lounge -Katie
Volunteer opportunity!
New Business
May and June Activities - Katherine
May 8-12 Staff Appreciation Week- we need help planning appreciation events for this week!
Already being worked on tshirts, massages,food trucks, is student council doing their usual?
Talked about the schedule for this week and what is happening on which days. If anyone wants to help us plan for this please email and let us know.
June 2 Brick Bash- What’s needed from PTO for this?
JB is scheduling the inflatables and we will need volunteers to help run activities
June 12 Fifth grade recognition
PTO to purchase pizza, snacks, and drinks for this. Also to help with assembling gift bags.
Next PTO meeting 5/10/23 (last meeting of the school year!)
Reading in the Park- do we want June 20 or August 8? Will team up with another school to provide snacks and readers
We will be in charge of the June 20 event along with Bishop. Discussed possible themes but we will discuss further at May meeting.
Add on new business
PTO taxes are done, cost was $50
We went in on a thank you breakfast for transportation last year and voted and approved that again for this year
Staff requests
Mrs Jansen- approx $72.84 +tax First two items approved and purchased, told her where she could find extra headphones in a storage room. magnetic squares 1 minute timers for fluency practice (I would like 5 pairs of headphones
Announcements and Questions