Call to Order and Welcome - Katherine 5:31
Officers’ Reports
President - Katherine
VP - Becky
Treasurer - Jamie
Current account balance $6862.17
Principal’s Report - Mrs. Robinette Strategic planning committee needs more volunteers to plan the future of our schools. First meeting is 1/12
Update on Unfinished Business - Katherine
Proposed positions and committees We still need extra help with various positions, if anyone is available please let us know!
Auction - Becky
What is the money going towards? (thoughts: Library/Assembly/field trips) Talked about various ideas to direct money towards including the ones listed plus playground equipment and Brick Bash materials. Settled on keeping it generally STEM related.
List of contacts: 2022-2023 Silent Auction Contacts Anyone who is willing please reach out to businesses for donations for the auction and then add them to the contact list. Please check the list before reaching out to make sure they have not been contacted before. We accept any school appropriate donations.
32 Auctions cost will cost $70-150 to host the auction on the website
Brick Buck Cart and Staff Lounge -Katie
Sponsors We’ve been very lucky to get sponsors monthly so far to support this and would love to keep up the momentum. If any business or family would like to sponsor stocking staff snacks or stocking the Brick buck cart for a month please let us know. Each costs about $100/month. I have a flyer for this if anyone wants it to hand out.
We also need volunteers to help run the Brick buck cart twice a month. It is really fun seeing the students get excited about using the Brick bucks they earned. Here is the sign up genius for that https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4bacae28a3fece9-brick1#/
New Business
January and February Activities - Katherine
Becky - Valentines Day beads ordered. Flyers made to distribute to students 2/6. Deadline to return forms and money 2/9. Kids will get beads EOD 2/13.
Next PTO meeting 2/8/23
Weeding books and reorganizing library - Katie I have slowly been going through the library books and removing ones that are damaged, too old, contain outdated information, or are harmful. It is a slow process and I would really love some help. If you are available Tuesday or Wednesday mornings and want to help go through the books please let me know at brickelementarypto@gmail.com
Staff requests
Announcements and Questions
A fundraiser through Double Good, a popcorn company, was suggested.
Spring Fling dance is in April. We had a volunteer to help take charge of planning that if anyone else is able to help please let us know!
Meeting ended at 6:17