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Below is a list of events that the PTO is hosting that we would love your help with.  Whether it is planning, prepping, or volunteering at the event - we would love your help! Please check out each event and see if there are any volunteer opportunities that fit your style. 


Read the event descriptions below for more information about specifics and committees. 


If you are interested in being part of an event committee, please click the button below. 

Event Breakdown

Homecoming Fundraiser

We sell blue and silver bead necklaces, and blue pom poms for $1 just in time for the Railsplitter Homecoming. 


The committee will decide on any additional gear, will purchase the items, coordinate the selling process, and deliver the items to student's in their classroom in time for Homecoming. 

Trunk or Treat

In the spirit of Halloween, the Brick PTO teams up with Bishop Elementary to put on a large event where guardians and community members decorate their vehicles and pass out candy to students. This is an after hours event.


The committee will work on attracting volunteers, advertising the event, discuss ways to get candy and costume donations, plan special activities during Trunk or Treat, and manage logistics and maintenance.  

U of M vs. MSU Tailgate

The PTO puts on an after-lunch "tailgate" at the school which can include popcorn, hotdogs, snow cones, etc. We also play a few games with the kids, specific to U of M and MSU. This is a school day event.


The committee will plan the tailgate activities including games, food, snacks, etc. They will also try to engage volunteers to help. The more volunteers, the more fun we can make it. 

Glow Party Dance

Formally "The Spring Fling," we are changing things up this year. The Brick PTO is taking over the gymnasium with black lights and glow sticks for an afternoon of dancing and fun. This is an after school event and all students attending must be accompanied by a guardian at all times. 


The committee will plan decorations and food. They will hire a DJ. They will discuss security and rules. Set up and breakdown. They will purchase lighting and glow items. They will plan the marketing so teachers, students, and families are informed. They will discuss entry fee. They will attract volunteers. 

Holiday Shop

A student favorite, the Holiday Shop is a three day holiday store where students can bring in money and shop for items between $0.50 - $12 for their loved ones. Please note, while we try to steer the students in making the best decisions with the money they bring, ultimately it is up to the student to use their money wisely. The Brick PTO is not responsible for students spending their money on items not on their list. Please have a conversation with your student prior to the Holiday Shop about smart spending. The Holiday Shop is done during school hours at designated class times.  


The committee plans the Holiday Shop including setting up class schedules, volunteer shifts, shop set up and take down, extra inventory returns, and much more. MANY volunteers are needed for this event. Without volunteers, the classes move too slow, creating delays for other classrooms. Volunteers needed are cashiers, wrappers, and shopping helpers. 



Family Movie Night

The Brick PTO is hosting a free Family Movie Night. Bring your picnic blankets, snacks, and the family for this fun night out. All students must be accompanied by an adult. This is an after school event. 


This is the first time we are doing a Family Movie Night for this group of PTO members so much help is needed for the planning process. Committee members needed to help plan. 

Valentine's Day Fundraiser

Much like the Homecoming Fundraiser, this committee will decide on what $1 items to sell during school hours to make Brick Students feel the lover during Valentine's week. 


The committee will decide on any additional gear, will purchase the items, coordinate the selling process, and deliver the items to student's in their classroom on the Monday of Valentine's Day week.


Please Note - There is no school on Valentine's Day this year. The students will receive their items the Monday prior so they can feel the love all week. 

Bowling Fundraiser/Silent Auction

Our biggest fundraiser of the year. Over the last few years, we have only participated in the silent auction. This year, we are adding a bowling fundraiser to the auction! However, the silent auction will still be virtual so all can bid on items. More information to come. This will be an after hours event. 


This committee's biggest job is to find donors to donate silent auction items. The more donations, the better - regardless of price. The committee will plan all of the bowling activities, find the location, discuss food, set up the silent auction site, collect donations, and much more. Many committee members needed for this event. 

Staff Appreciation Week

We LOVE our Brick Elementary Staff and we also love celebrating them with a week full of surprises. This can range from special lunches, sweet treats, coffee carts, wish list buys, and much more.


This committee plans the entire week of surprises, as well as plans the execution of those prizes. New and fresh ideas welcomed. The committee will work together to create great ideas and will need volunteers to help put those ideas into action. Sometimes they need someone to go pick up food from a restaurant and bring it to the school. Sometimes they ask crafty volunteers to make homemade gifts. The possibilities are endless, but they need help. 

Community Art Fair/Garage Sale/Sellers Market

Another first for this group of PTO members. Calling all crafters, garage sellers, and small businesses. This is your time to shine! This fundraiser will sell slots for you to set up a booth to sell your items. You keep the money you make during the day. This is an after hours event.


This committee will decide all the ins-and-outs of this art fair/sellers market. This includes how much to charger per booth, set up and breakdown, rules and processes, advertisement and community involvement, and much more. Since this is the first time doing this event, experienced sellers are greatly needed on the committee (but ALL are welcome!) 

This list of events is not final.  All events are subject to date/time changes or cancelations due to lack of volunteers.


If you have any suggestions for really cool activities for the students/teachers or a profitable fundraiser idea, please let us know!



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